Saturday, September 27, 2014

Blinking Icons and Flashing Lights

If there is anyone who dislikes failing internet and low battery more than anything, that would be me. I mean, why does internet even HAVE to fail? I wonder what would happen if everyone in the world just stopped using the internet. Would the internet be like... 100% faster? Everything would zoom by my face (if I was the only one using the internet) and I'd be like, omg, this fastness though. Anyway, back to the point. I hate it when I'm watching a video, and then it stops and that loading thing rolls 'round so annoyingly. And all because of the internet (well, sometimes). Okay, scratch that 'cause I don't watch videos much. What about the failing internet while you're seriously trying to write a blog post? AGH! So let's say I'm writing a blog post here, and then the warning pops up, saying something like, "Your post failed to save." and I just click 'Dismiss' and then 'Save' and then the warning comes again. So, not wanting to lose my work, I copy everything I wrote and paste it into Notepad. Then I restart the computer and the internet works fine again. So I take the work from Notepad and paste it back into the post to fill in whatever was not saved during the internet bug apocalypse. Anyway, the same case goes when I'm playing a game. 'You have lost connection to the game.' How annoying is that, man? I'm not sure if whoever reads this blog is a full-time gamer, but if you are, good for you. (Well, not really XD but whatEVER.) The computer I use always loses the internet when it's left alone for a long time, and I HATE IT. (Not the computer, but its trait of losing internet.) And when I'm too lazy to restart the computer, I try troubleshooting. But I'm too lazy to fix any wires (XD) so I'm like *rage-flips over computer table* and restart the computer. What else is there to do? Hehe. If I see the internet symbol with a yellow triangle warning sign near it, I'm mad. If I see a computer screen with a red X near it, I'm very mad. If I see the lights on my internet modem flashing orange, I'm mad. If I see no lights except the orange ones, I'm VERY mad. Madder than a hare. (XD yesterday expression)
And with that I conclude today's rant.

1 comment:

  1. I know it sucks so much when the Internet just stops working and you lose all your data! I'm just like WHY MUST YOU DIE?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm not much of a full-time gamer so that's good! I get too lazy to fix it but I'm to angry to just sit there. So I just yell at my computer and until it gets some common sense knocked into it and starts working. XD
    Nice post!


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