Monday, September 22, 2014

Ain't Time for the Zombie Apocalypse

Everyone undoubtedly hates slow people in places where you're supposed to walk FAST. FAST I TELL YOU. The most annoying thing in life is when you're stuck in a crowd of zombie-like humans who think the world belongs to them. In an airport, market, masjid on Eid, or practically ANYWHERE, you're practically like the only person who actually works in his right mind. You are the one who tries to push through everyone, actually TRYING to get somewhere, away from loud conversation and body odor. (Probably!) I'm usually a pretty calm person, but I'm also really impatient. I'd probably explode and die of impatience in a crowded masjid on Eid (which will happen pretty soon... aghhh). Oh yeah, and on weddings. UGH!!! I went to one recently and I didn't know whether to wait or to push. I actually do push people when I lose it. I push them and say a half-hearted sorry and move on. This is especially necessary when your family abandons you and you have to carry on alone. Isn't that ANNOYING?! There is absolutely NO REASON to walk slowly. And if you want to stop and talk to your friend I am going to push you man.

And with that I conclude today's rant.


  1. So true!! Awesome post today! Sometimes I think of just shoving and walking over the slow walkers. I mean, the people talking at least have an excuse, as annoying as they may be--they're talking to someone. But the slow walkers? NO. JUST, JUST NO. Unless you have a sprained ankle or a limp or something, you better start walking faster. Cuz, like, hello? You're going 2 MPH blocking all my ways out and I have to be at my friend's surprise party in five minutes. So for all the slow walkers reading this...
    Ok...that was mean but slow walkers get on my nerves big-time.

  2. Oh, and a note on the people who talk in the middle of a hallway. Did you meet your long-lost twin sister? No? Then please do us all a favor and cut the chit chat and get a move on. I am guilty of doing this, I admit. But if you do meet someone and start talking to them, please be considerate of the people around you and go to the sides of the crowd. whatever you do, DO NOT STAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CROWD AND REFUSE TO MOVE AS YOU LOUDLY EXPLAIN YOUR MOST RECENT FOOT SURGERY. Yup... it's a thirty seconds I'll never get back. Keep blogging N! :) And if you're not N, make sure to leave comment below about the most annoying experience you've had with slow walkers. Check out the rest of N's posts... she's pretty hysterical!


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